Wednesday, June 17, 2020

7 Ways to Generate Sales Producing Leads

7 Ways to Generate Sales Producing Leads
Every business survives on leads. Leads are potential customers or potential people or businesses that might be interested in your product or service. Contacting these people or businesses might potentially lead to new sales or utilization of your services.

So, here then are 7 ways that generate sales producing leads:

1. Live Chats, Hangouts & Webinars

Everyone at some time or the other has used a chat window. Every often an online chat can produce new leads. “My neighbour’s lawnmower creates a racket, I don’t want that model” A sharp sales exec will not only successfully sell this particular customer a lawnmower, he will also extract the neighbour’s phone number from this customer and sell the neighbour a lawnmower too. All these online chats, hangouts and webinars are great places to snap up potential leads that generate sales.

2. Social Media

Say you where Googling for lampshades. A bit later you open your Social Media Digital Marketing page; and as you scroll down, right there in the middle, you notice an add for lamp shades electrical products and the like. Amazed?

Fact is, social media platforms make excellent use of cookies stored by other websites. And, if there happens to be an advertiser selling goods or services matching those cookies, then you too are served that advertisement. Given that almost all of us have a social media account, social media is an excellent place to find leads that generate sales.

3. SEO & Google AdWords

A clever and experienced webmaster will use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Google AdWords to find leads. Google AdWords is a great place to find out what potential customers are searching for. Once those keywords are incorporated into the website, there is huge potential to generate sales producing leads.

4. Generate Referrals

A referral scheme is when you offer your customer to give up a name of a friend or someone they know, who might be interested in a product or service you are offering. The customer providing the name is in turn (usually) offered a substantial discount on future sales or some sort of cash rebate.

5. Provide Useful Content

Blogs and articles especially the do-it-yourself type article or review, is a great way to produce sales generating leads. This is done by adding several links to pages that sell products or services that are mentioned in the blog or article.

6. Develop Strategic Alliances

Assume your website sells beautiful hand-painted coffee mugs. Having a strategic alliance with another website that sells customized gift could product huge amount of sales generating leads.

7. Email & Newsletters

Sending out well designed emails and newsletters that provide a preview of (say) reviews of products or do-it-yourself instructions, can lead to huge amount of sales generating leads.

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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Improving the Effectiveness of Your Outsourcing Arrangements

Improving the Effectiveness of Your Outsourcing ArrangementsOutsourcing is a great way of ensuring the job gets done at a cost that is most favourable to your business. You can discuss what needs to be done, how it will be done and the timeframe within which it will be done.

Outsourcing is the new way of doing business. It frees you from labour laws, wage agreements, wage regulations and so forth. Also, since most of the businesses providing these Data Entry Outsourcing Companies are based in Asia, there is a huge advantage in costs.

As with everything, outsourcing too has its pitfalls. Including runaway costs and deliveries that weren’t what was expected. Most of these happen due to lack of communication and planning. Here’s how you can improve the effectiveness of your outsourcing arrangements.
Figure out what you need done and how much it would cost you locally

Knowing what exactly what needs to be done is half-way to successful and effective outsourcing. Next, find out how much it would cost you to hire locals to get the job done. Factor in minimum wages, bonuses, insurance and other perks. Doing this will ensure you know how much you will save when you select the outsourcing provider you will work with.
Start with making a list of service providers

Without exception, all outsourcing service providers have websites. Google your requirement and see how many of them match your needs. Short-list a few.
Consider Relevant Providers

Have they been providing services that you need? Are they willing to share references?
Compare and Choose

Do they have a pay-as-you-go agreements? Are their terms transparent? How do they communicate? Consider creating an Excel Chart so you can compare outsourcing.
Go for a Trial Run

If your needs are long-term, consider a trial run. It needs to be of sufficiently duration so the service provider has time to familiarize with your specific requirements.
Set up a Monitoring Team

If the work you are outsourcing is large enough, consider hiring someone locally (or delegating responsibility), so as to monitor the performance of the outsourcing team.
Plan for changes in advance

Would outsourcing mean that you will eventually need to issue pink slips to some of your staff? Or, would the way you work change? If so, some advance planning will go a long way in smoothening out the transition.
Proper Documentation

Chatting on the phone or video conferencing is great but document everything. Better still, ask the Typing Services Online provider to send you a document that includes terms that were discussed.
Transfer Accountability

Sometimes, the service provider may unintentionally do things that could result in financial liability for your business. Make sure these areas are covered in the terms you set.
Track the performance reviews

Read the reviews that your monitoring team provides you. Reading those reviews within a day or two of them being produced ensures you can catch errors and rectify them quickly. E.g. The service provider may do something unintentionally that violates your local laws.
Regular Communication

Make your self available for regular communication. Even if there are no issues, it helps build a repo with your service provider and goes a long way in ensuring the effectiveness of your outsourcing arrangements.

More Here:-

Monday, June 8, 2020

Advantages of Teamwork to Grow your Business

Citizen Eco-Drive Analog AW0030-55E Men's WatchMarketing and business growth are both interlinked. The latter cannot be achieved without the former. Obviously, there is a marketing team and then there are other teams that deal with various aspects of the business.

All teams need to work in tandem. An ultra-active marketing team that delivers orders but a manufacturing team that fails to capitalize on the new business will lead to disaster. Planning and coordination between teams is a must. Even the smallest of cog wheels that works out of sync will lead the whole process to a grind.

Within each team, there can be sub-teams too. For example, within marketing, you may have a team that deals with optimizing the website so it performs well organically in Google. You may have another team that undertakes marketing on social media. You may have a team of creative talent that produces the creatives that would be required for the Digital Marketing activity. All these teams need to work in tandem like a well-greased machine.

But what if you don’t have inhouse talent to handle aspects of your business? These days ‘lean and mean’ is the new mantra. Rather than hire staff on a permanent basis, businesses today hire only when the need arises. The other new mantra is “virtual staffing”.

Virtual Customer Service happens when you have a team of real people located in one part of the globe, working for a client located in another part of the globe. The work and talent are delivered electronically via the internet. Thanks to the Internet, the physical location of the team is made irrelevant. Communication is achieved via text chat and live chat. Files can be sent and received instantaneously. It is as if, the Customer Support Staff is seating right next to you in your own office.

While you cannot hire virtual talent to look after your manufacturing, you can hire virtual talent that looks after your marketing. There are websites that offer expert talent in every field. Take for instance, they can provide you with full-fledged marketing teams or customer support teams or teams to handle your sales on Amazon or eBay platforms and so forth.

Just specify what you need and they will provide experienced staff that can handle that need. You can hire entire teams and they will coordinate within themselves and appoint a supervisor who in turn, will coordinate with your liaison. This brings pre-packaged, read-to-use talent to your fingertips. A few clicks and the advantages of teamwork to grow your business are yours for the asking.

Visit here for More Information: